KIA donated Bolero Jeep

  KIA President Mr.Ajith Kamath,Vice-President Mr.Isaac Vas,Past President Mr.Gaurav Hegde and Treasurer Mr.Hemanth Kumar donated Bolero jeep for patrolling to Panambur police station,Baikampady today at Police Commissioners Office, Mangalore....

ZEE Business Dare to Dream Growth Matters forum

Intellect Bizware Services Pvt.Ltd had organized Dare to Dream Growth Matters forum at The Gateway Hotel Old Port Road, Mangalore, Old Port Rd, Bunder, Mangaluru, on Thursday, June 27, 2019.ZEE Media acknowledges business leaders who through their innovation and scale...

KIA organised GST-Seminar

KIA in association with Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan Attorneys had held a GST-Seminar on 11.07.2018 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.The Seminar include a detailed introduction into various nuances of CGST / SGST / IGST with a special emphasis on return filing – details on...